CITI Training
The first step of the IRB application review process is to confirm that each researcher has completed our mandatory online training course. If any researcher has not completed this required course, the application is returned to the principal investigator and is not further reviewed by the IRB.
The Providence College IRB utilizes the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) training program. In order to complete the required course, each researcher must visit the CITI home page and use the Create An Account – Register function to establish an account in the system.
Then each researcher must select Providence College as the affiliate institution. Finally, each researcher must complete our required course by reviewing the content of three modules and then by answering a brief quiz of multiple choice questions at the conclusion of each module.
A failing score on any question set will prompt the CITI system to require the researcher to begin the training module a second time. Once a researcher receives a passing score on a module, the results are automatically transmitted to the Providence College IRB.
From time to time, different groups at Providence College create different quizzes for teaching and research purposes. Nevertheless, one (and only one) training course serves as the required course for IRB research application purposes.
This course is entitled PC IRB Required Training for student and faculty investigators. It is the only course with a title that begins with the initials PC.
Once you pass all three modules of this required course, you will not need to re-take the course for a period of three years. As time goes by, though, it will be necessary to retake the required course every three years in order to maintain your credentials within the CITI program.
Institutional Review Board