Paul Melley, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Theology
Ph.D., Boston College
Thoughts on teaching:
The consequential heart of the classroom is the practice and art of asking questions. My pedagogical approach emphasizes conversation and discussion as an essential dynamic of the classroom. This is designed to cultivate active learners rather than passive recipients and spectators. Such an approach recognizes that students already come with meaningful wisdom and diverse stories and backgrounds. My task is to encourage them to critically reflect on the material and tradition in conversation with their lives, and so to become agents of their own learning and of their world.
Field(s) of expertise/interest:
Sacramentality, secularism, the thought of Karl Rahner, mystagogy, and liturgy and music. I am a published composer with GIA Publications and Oregon Catholic Press and have compositions in five hymnals internationally.
Cooking, music, hiking, projects around the house, including caring for our eight-chicken flock