Roxanne M.W. Banker, Ph.D.

Roxanne Banker

Assistant Professor
PhD, University of California, Davis, Geology

Thoughts on teaching:
My goals in teaching are three-fold: to make instruction accessible for different learners, to promote an inclusive environment where students feel comfortable asking questions, and to underscore the relevance of the material both to other disciplines and to the everyday lives of students.

Field(s) of expertise/interest:
My goal as a scientist is to synthesize modern and geohistorical data to both answer fundamental questions in evolutionary ecology and inform practical conservation strategies. My research is guided by a complex systems perspective, and central to my work is one primary question. How does the functional diversity of a given system and the interactions among those functional entities, regardless of the level or biological organization, influence the emergent properties of that system? As faculty at Providence College, my students and I will investigate the ecological processes that influence the resilience, stability, and long-term persistence of marine species and systems.

Getting outside and playing games! (Board games, computer games, sports games