Academic Affairs Student Advisory Council

The intention of the Student Advisory Council (SAC) is to provide a forum for students to discuss issues of interest with administrators from the Office of Academic Affairs. Topics for discussion at SAC meetings are related to the academic experience, such as instruction, experiential learning opportunities, curriculum, academic advising, registration and support, instructional facilities and technology, and financial aid.


SAC includes undergraduate students from various majors and class years. Academic Affairs appoints student representatives to the council based on recommendations from academic departments, programs, and offices. In addition, Student Congress appoints one or more representatives in consultation with the Office of Student Affairs. Students also can nominate themselves to serve on SAC. Appointments to the council are for one academic year with the potential for reappointment. The provost and members of the provost’s senior staff are members and attend meetings.

Meeting Frequency

SAC meetings are scheduled two or three times per semester. Additional meetings may be scheduled by Academic Affairs as needed. Student representatives may request additional meetings to address specific topics of concern.