Sponsored Projects and Research Compliance

The Office of Sponsored Projects and Research Compliance (SPaRC) is responsible for the review, submission, and acceptance of grants, contracts, and agreements for research and scholarly work. SPaRC is committed to service excellence, faculty development, and promoting research compliance and integrity.

How SPaRC Works With You

Pre-Proposal Activities:
Discuss early phases of project ideas to identify potential funding sources.

Proposal Development Activities:
Assist with all stages of proposal development, including budget preparation, certifications, forms, and cover sheet; prepare a proposal outline based upon grant requirements; obtain institutional letters of support; coordinate proposal submission with research administrators at collaborating institutions; ensure adherence to and provide interpretation of College, sponsor, and government guidelines; submit proposals electronically and/or hard-copy on behalf of the institution.

Grant Administration/Management Activities:
Assist with sponsor communication and correspondence after an award is made; notify principal investigators when progress reports are due​​.

Research Compliance:
Provide guidance, coordination, and oversight for research compliance matters, such as protection of human participants (IRB), Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR), animal care and use (IACUC), and intellectual property. Provide oversight and signature authority on Material Transfer Agreements, Data Use Agreements, Federal Wide Assurances (FWAs), and other research agreements.

Recent Grant Awards

  • Dr. Kris Monahan (SPaRC), “Collaborative Research: Revisioning Research Administration in Rhode Island for Emerging Research Institutions” National Science Foundation – Providence College receives National Science Foundation grant to form research collaborative
  • Dr. Yordano Jimenez (Biology), “Collaborative Research: Biodesign: A Deep Dive Into Dynamic Resonance in Rapid Underwater Maneuvering” National Science Foundation
  • Dr. Seann Mulcahy (Chemistry and Biochemistry), “Jean Dreyfus Lectureship for Undergraduate Institutions” Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation
  • PC Galleries “Alt-Text Connects: Expanding Access to Providence College Galleries and its Collection” Institute of Museum and Library Services
  • Dr. John Costello (Biology), “Bio-Inspired Material Architectures for Deep Sea (BIMADS)” Office of Naval Research
  • Dr. Jessica Mulligan (Health Sciences), “Reducing Uninsurance by Addressing Administrative Burdens in the Health Insurance Marketplaces” Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
  • Dr. Thomas Strasser (Art and Art History), “Megalos Peristeres Cave Excavation 2024” Curtiss T. & Mary G. Brennan Foundation
  • Dr. Nicholas Tarantino (Psychology) “Piloting a Mobile Adherence Game with Economic Incentives for Young People with HIV in Ghana” Rhode Island Foundation
  • Dr. Adrian Weimer (History and Classics), “Deer Island: ‘Praying Indians,’ Law, and Betrayal in Wartime New England, 1665-1685” Brown University

Kris A. Monahan, Ph.D.

Sr. Director of Sponsored Projects & Research Compliance

Dalila G. Alves

Assistant Director, Sponsored Projects and Research Compliance