Cross Listing Courses
If two departments or programs wish to cross-list a course (e.g., HIS/AMS/BLK), the Chairs or Directors should notify the the Associate Provost for Mission and Policy Support of the vote of each Department to request cross-listing. It is understood that the course in each department or program must be at the same “level” (i.e., 100-level for Introductory courses, 200-level for Intermediate courses, 300-level for Upper-level courses, and 400-level for Advanced Upper-level courses), that the number of credits, pre- and co-requisites, registration restrictions, assignments, etc. will be the same in each course. Course numbers should be the same whenever possible, and cross-listing designation between partner courses must be for ALL semesters when the course is offered.
Rev. Mark Nowel, O.P., Ph.D.
Associate Provost for Academic Policy and Mission Support
Harkins 207