Proposing a New Major/Minor

This link is to the set of guidelines which the Committee on Studies uses in its evaluation of proposals for new majors, minors or programs, revisions to major, minor or program requirements or revisions to departmental policies. Knowing what sorts of things we use in our evaluation of programs can help you in compiling material to support such a proposal. Please note: such proposals must include a recommendation of the dean of the school from which a departmental proposal originates.

It is important to note that academic policies approved by the College through its formal legislative process take precedence over academic policies approved by academic departments, programs, or schools. If departments, programs, or schools wish to enact specific academic policies that are at variance with existing College policies, the department, program, or school must submit a formal proposal for consideration by the appropriate legislative bodies, with final authorization required from the President.

The Committee on Studies serves several functions with respect to such proposals: We advise proposers of what are, in our opinion, the strengths and weaknesses of their proposals, we suggest appropriate revisions, and we work with them to bring the proposals to a point where we anticipate it will have a smooth passage through the approval process. After final consideration by us, it is sent to the Faculty Senate where it is considered first by the Academic Affairs Committee and then by the entire Senate (which takes into consideration the approval/rejection by the two aforementioned Committees). Final approval by the President creates the new (or revises the existing) major, minor, or program.

If you or the members of your department have any questions regarding this process, please contact the Associate Provost for Academic Policy and Mission Support, Fr. Mark Nowel, O.P., at