Syllabus Guidelines
In December, 2016, the Faculty Senate and College President have approved Syllabus Guidelines for all College courses both as a help for faculty who may wonder what to include in their syllabi and to help ensure that students will know what to expect in a particular course. For courses which satisfy Core Requirements, the Core Objectives should be included both as a reminder for the instructors as to what must be included in courses which satisfy a particular Core requirement, and to indicate to the student that the course will indeed satisfy one or more particular Core requirements. Department Chairs and Program Directors should ensure that courses in their departments or programs are correctly designated as “Core Courses.”
If you or the members of your department have any questions on this process, please contact the Associate Provost for Academic Policy and Mission Support, Fr. Mark Nowel, O.P., at
Rev. Mark Nowel, O.P., Ph.D.
Associate Provost for Academic Policy and Mission Support
Harkins 207