Institutional Effectiveness

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Institutional Effectiveness

Institutional Effectiveness (IE) | The systematic use of evidence within and across the institution used to inform decision-making, planning, continuous improvement, and overall effectiveness; the core functions that support this effort include strategic planning, assessment, institutional research, accreditation, and program review (CIP).

Institutional Effectiveness Staff

Brian J. Bartolini — Senior Associate Vice President/Chief Institutional Effectiveness Officer, Dr. Bartolini, a member of the PC community since 1998, among other responsibilities, he leads the campus’ assessment programs and regional accreditation activities. Bartolini is responsible for leading campus-wide assessment programs and regional and specialized accreditation efforts, as well as supporting the college’s strategic planning efforts. He also provides leadership and support in the areas of campus academic policy, academic support and advisement, academic records, scheduling and registration, enrollment management and retention, sponsored research and programs, and student engagement in learning.

Rachel S. d’Oliveira — Associate Director of Assessment, Rachel d’Oliveira has worked at PC since 2013. Her responsibilities include coordinating campus-wide surveys and other assessment measures; recording department and program plans for the College’s assessment program; and assisting with the coordination of the Continuous Improvement Program. d’Oliveira earned both her bachelor’s degree in mathematics and a master’s degree in business administration from PC.

Catherine A. Gagne — Executive Director of Assessment, Catherine A. Gagne has worked at PC since 2004. As executive director of assessment, Gagne is responsible for the coordination, implementation, and analysis of a comprehensive program of assessment at the College. In particular, she assists departments, programs, and offices with assessment planning and activities, gathers and analyzes assessment data and prepares related reports, and manages selected assessment projects and programs. Gagne earned her bachelor’s degree in health care administration and sociology from Stonehill College as well as a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Rhode Island.

April R. Roberts — Assistant Director, April Roberts is the Assistant Director in the Office of Institutional Research (OIR). Her career at PC began in 2018. Her responsibilities include gathering, analyzing and reporting institutional data for internal and external reporting, survey completion and a variety of special projects. Roberts earned her bachelor’s degree in management and computer information systems from Rhode Island College.

Melanie R. Sullivan — Executive Director of Institutional Research, Melanie Sullivan is the Executive Director of the Office of Institutional Research (OIR). Her career at PC began in 2014. She is responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the OIR, which include providing accurate data and analytical support for institutional reporting, policy development, and academic planning. She also conducts original studies that support efforts to improve institutional effectiveness. She further serves as a resource for offices and departments in need of research expertise for projects and initiatives that serve the College. Sullivan earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology from Wellesley College and a master’s degree in higher education administration from Boston College.

The Fact Book is for external, public consumption. Members of the campus community who wish to access the internal Fact Book which contains additional confidential information, should access the IE Portal site and click on “Campus Data.”

Brian J. Bartolini, Ed.D.

Senior Associate Vice President/Chief Institutional Effectiveness Officer
Harkins 208

Academic Affairs Office of the VP

Harkins Hall

Melanie R. Sullivan

Executive Director of Institutional Research

Rachel S. d’Oliveira

Associate Director of Assessment
Harkins 110

April A. Roberts

Assistant Director of Institutional Research

Strategic Planning

Ratified by the Providence College Board of Trustees in November 2018, PC200 articulated the College’s ongoing pursuit of excellence as a nationally recognized Catholic and Dominican, primarily undergraduate, residential, liberal arts college. Following the COVID-19 pandemic and aligned with the vision of president Rev. Kenneth Sicard, O.P., PC200 was refreshed and a new strategic implementation plan is in the final stages of development as of Spring 2024. 

Institutional Effectiveness Newsletter

​​IE in Action​ — PC’s Institutional Effectiveness (IE) newsletter is designed to provide periodic updates on IE activities, events, and progress while celebrating PC’s many IE successes​.


NECHE accepted Providence College’s Fifth-Year Interim Report in December 2022, and scheduled the college’s next 10-year comprehensive review for Fall 2027.